Where do animals live?

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Where do animals live?


People live in different types of homes.

But where do animals live?

This egret makes its home in bamboo plants.

It uses twigs to build a nest.


It builds its nest high up in the bamboo, far away from animals that might attack it.

This means the young chicks have a safe place to grow.

These prairie dogs live in underground tunnels called burrows.


In the summer the burrows keep them cool and in the winter the burrows keep them warm.

If enemies come too close the burrows make the perfect hiding place!

This polar bear doesn’t need a home all year round.

Polar bears spend most of their time on the move.

But when a female polar bear has cubs she does make a home.

She digs a hole in the snow called a den where they can all squeeze inside to keep warm.


So wherever an animal chooses to live, homes are places where animals can bring up their young, escape enemies and stay warm.







Video info

Animals use their homes to raise their young, keep safe from enemies and stay protected from the weather.

Learning points

  • Different animals have different homes.
  • Animals use their homes to raise their young, keep safe from enemies and stay protected from the weather.

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